Update V1.2.1


Rail Rampage was kinda broken in the last update... so I fixed it... a more than a month later (Life get's in the way.)

Fixes galore and small overhauls!

Love you all <3 thanks for sticking by! 


- Fire 1 has been reverted back to 'Z'.

- Jump on Controllers has been changed from 'Up' to 'A'. What was I thinking?

- Fire 1 on controllers has been changed from 'A' to 'X'.

- All menus have had a control overhaul to improve controls. You can now use the jump button or start.

- Options menu has been fixed to fully support controllers

- Missing Controller buttons fixed for in game

- Difficulty menu skull was meant to change with difficulty. Now fixed!

- Some Graphics have been expanded for the No Border setting

  These include: Title screen , Options , Difficulty Select

  And an additional graphic has been added for the train level theme 

  to fix an unintended cut off with the cliffs

- Background overhauls for Options and Difficulty Select

  Now has a pulsing gradient

- Additional effects have been added to the Difficulty Select as it looked bland and lazy.

- Behind the scenes have been tidied and improved somewhat

- First dialogue that says to press space now is to press A / Space

- smaller bug fixes


Rail-Rampage-1.2.1-borkenver.zip 2.8 MB
22 days ago

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